Burang County Travel Tips
Burang County Travel Tips
● Best Time to Visit Burang County
Because of its climate, May and late June are the best time to pay a visit to Burang County.
● Burang the paradise of the wild animals, such as wild yaks, wild donkeys, Tibetan antelopes, wolves, and foxes. The local products: ghee, wool, sheepskin, cowhide, some kinds of fish, etc. As one of the holy Tibetan Religious places, there are lots of holy mountains and holy lakes in this region, including Mt.Kailash, Lake Manasarovar.
● Burang has one “International Market” which specificlly open for the merchants from Nepal and India. Due to the traffic and weather condition, this “International Market” is a seasonal and opens between July 15 and October 15, depends on the weather condition