Zhedong Hotel in Seni District, Nagqu
Hotel Overview
- Chinese Name: 那曲市那曲浙东宾馆
- English Name: Zhedong Hotel in Seni District, Nagqu
- Address: No. 19, Lhasa North Road, Seni District, Naqu City, Tibet, China
- Hotel Phone Number: +86-896-3828060
- Opening Year: 2017
- Number of Rooms: 13
- Hotel Type: Comfortable and Homely
Hotel Description
The Zhedong Hotel is a cozy and convenient budget-friendly hotel located on Lhasa North Road, near Jixiang Tibetan Restaurant. The hotel is easily accessible and offers a warm and homely atmosphere, ideal for travelers looking for comfort and simplicity during their stay in Naqu.
Hotel Features
- Number of Rooms: With only 13 rooms, the hotel provides a more intimate, personalized stay for guests.
- Room Features:
- 24-hour hot water showers for your comfort.
- Television for entertainment.
- Broadband internet for staying connected.
- Cozy and homely environment for a relaxing stay.
Additional Services
- Leisure Area: A designated area for guests to relax and unwind.
- Parking: On-site parking available for guests with vehicles.
Convenience & Location
- Prime Location: The hotel is conveniently located on Lhasa North Road, making it easy to travel to surrounding areas.
- Proximity to Dining: Jixiang Tibetan Restaurant is nearby, offering guests an opportunity to enjoy traditional Tibetan cuisine.
The Zhedong Hotel is an excellent choice for travelers seeking affordable and comfortable accommodations in Naqu. With its homely atmosphere, essential amenities, and convenient location, it is a great option for both short and long stays. Guests can enjoy the warmth and comfort of home while exploring the scenic areas of Tibet.