Zayu County Accommodation

Visitors can choose lots of hotels varied from budget one to five star in Zayü County. Most of the hotels in Zayü County provide high-qualified service. The prices are reasonable and all-inclusive. You can enjoy different style of breakfast, a western breakfast or a Tibetan breakfast. Parking is out of charge and free WiFi is equipped. The considerate services would make you relax and comfortable. No matter where you stay in Nyingchi, you won’t miss any attractions of your journey. 

Nyingchi Zayü Jinma Business Hotel(林芝察隅金马商务宾馆): Located in Yanjiang West Road(沿江西路), Zayü County, Nyingchi City

Nyingchi Daoxiang Hotel(林芝稻香宾馆): Located near Food Bureau Complex(粮食局综合大楼), Zayü County, Nyingchi Prefecture, Tibet Autonomous Region

Zayü County Hostel(林芝察隅县招待所): Located near Haochi House(好吃屋), Zayü County, Nyingchi Prefecture

Nyingchi Liming Hostel(林芝利明招待所): Located in 201 Provincial Road, Zayü County, Nyingchi Prefecture

Zayü Pingan Grand Hotel(察隅平安大酒店): Located in No. 2 Yanjiang East Road(沿江东路2号), Zayü County, Nyingchi Prefecture, Tibet

Zayü Chawalong Youth Hostel(察隅察瓦龙青年旅舍): Located in Zhalanglu Street(扎郎路大街), Chawalong Township(察瓦龙乡), Zayü County, Nyingchi Prefecture, Tibet