Jiamagou Valley Scenic Area in Maizhokunggar County, Lhasa

Chinese Name: 甲玛沟
English Name: Jiamagou Valley Scenic Area
Location: Located in Maizhokunggar County, Lhasa
Admission Fee: Free
Opening Hours: All the day

Jiamagou Valley Scenic Area in Maizhokunggar County, Lhasa
It is located about 15 kilometers west of Maizhokunggar County, Lhasa, and the average altitude is about 4,000 meters above sea level. It is lying next to the 318 national road.

It is rarely known, but it is famous for the birthplace of Srongtsen Gampo(松赞干布). It is surrounded by mountains with pleasant scenery, unique geographical location and abundant natural resources. With a long history and culture, the people here are simple and kind-hearted. This is a tourist desirable destination.

Attraction Transportation:
We can take a shuttle bus from Lhasa to Maizhokunggar County, then transfer a local mini bus to Jiamagou Valley Scenic Area.
Attraction Travel Tips:
· pay attention to respect the local customs.
· 2-3 hours travel.
· best season to travel: all the year round.