Gachong Village Historic Site in Doilungdeqen District, Lhasa

Chinese Name: 嘎冲村遗址
English Name: Gachong Village Historic Site
Location: Located in Doilungdeqen District, Lhasa
Admission Fee: Free
Opening Hours: All the day

About Gachong Village Historic Site
Gachong Village Historic Site is located at Gachong Village(嘎冲村) in Doilungdeqen District, Lhasa, with an elevation of 3632 meters, covering an area of about 10000 square meters. Because people take here as a soil borrow area(取土场) in recent years, nearly half of the site is damaged.

Archaeological experts around the site not only discovered the materials used in metal smelting, such as, ceramic utensils, iron residue, animal bones, charcoal, ashes, and house sites, also found a variety of original pottery, chipped stone tools, this is the first discovery of Tibet iron and stone both-used cultural sites(金石器并用时代文化遗址).

Attraction Transportation:
We can take a shuttle bus from Lhasa to Doilungdeqen District, then transfer a local mini bus to Gachong Village Historic Site.
Attraction Travel Tips:
· pay attention to respect the local customs.
· 2 – 3 hours travel.
· best season to travel: all the year round.