Nagqu Travel Weather and Climate in December

Nagqu Travel Weather and Climate in December

Average Temperature (℃):-11.6
Average Precipitation/Rainfall (mm): 2.6

Lying within the sub-frigid zone of Tibet, Nagqu experiences extremes of cold and wind, and is an area prone to extremely dry air and violent storms. Throughout the year, there is no period where there is no frost in the prefecture, and the land is under a state of semi-permanent permafrost, even in the summer months.

  Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
-3.1 -1.3 2.9 6.8 11.2 14.9 15.6 15.1 12.7 7.5 1.8 -1.9
-21.1 -18.3 -13.6 -8.5 -3.3 1.5 3.5 3.0 0.3 -6 -14.4 -20.1
Rainfall (mm) 3.2 3.3 3.6 11.2 28.5 83.3 103.1 91.5 75.2 20.4 3.8 2.6

What to Wear for a December Nagqu Travel

 You should also bring a raincoat for those summer evenings where it decides to rain, as this is held in the middle of the monsoon season in Nagqu. A good pair of boots is essential, as the festival is held on the grasslands outside the town, and the ground is rough, rocky, and uneven in many places.The sun at this altitude can be harsher than in Lhasa, and with the thinner atmosphere, the UV rays tend to be stronger than in the capital. A good strong sun cream is essential and you should bring a hat to keep the sun off your head and prevent sunstroke. The wind can also be harsh, so lip balm and moisturizer should keep your lips and skin from drying up and cracking.

Things to see and do at Nagqu in December

Nagqu’s attractions include: ancient Yamtung (or Zhangzhung) Cultural Site, the Bon monasteries, “Holy Lake” Namtso and the life of the highland herdsmen. The town of Nagqu is home to famous and historic Shodain Monastery. There are numerous hot springs and geothermal spots. The region is also a reserve for many species of alpine wildlife and vegetation. There are over 20 animal species under level one or level two national protection, including wild yaks, Tibetan antelope, and Tibetan wild donkeys. The natural wonders and the special folk customs have formed distinctive tourist attractions. The local people have created colorful religious legends for the mountains, lakes and rivers, which have retained their unspoiled natural appearance.

Useful Travel Tips for your Nagqu Travel in December

The average altitude of Nagqu is over 4,450 meters, and you need to pay attention to High Altitude Sickness. You can spend several days in Lhasa for acclimatization. It will be helpful to take some precautionary measures, like drinking more hot water, always keeping warm, avoiding strong activities, eating fresh vegetables and fruits etc. Your tour operator will also prepare oxygen supply for emergency use.

Weather and Climate by Month

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