Shannan Travel Weather and Climate in April

Shannan Weather and Climate in April

Average Minimum Temperature (℃): -9.1
Average Maximum Temperature (℃): 6
Average Precipitation/Rainfall(mm): 8

Although the spring brings warmth and moisture in Shannan prefecture, the average temperature of Shannan in April stays fairly low. However, the landscape of Shannan in April will definitely live up to your expectation.

What to Wear for a April Shannan Travel

For comfort in the changing temperatures and high UV radiation, you’ll need to dress in layers and cover up if you are in the sun for a prolonged time due to the UV radiation. Many hotels and restaurants in Shannan have no central heating, so you might still need a coat inside. But the sunshine is so strong that you might feel comfortable in light clothing during the day. Have a T-shirt, coat, trousers, and a sun hat in Lhasa, and a heavy coat and gloves for higher places. Sunglasses can protect your eyes.

Things to see and do at Shannan in April

  • Why not enjoy the scenic ride that takes 2.5hrs from Lhasa to famous turquoise Yamdrok Lake? The incredible sapphire water of Yamdrok Lake and adorable Tibetan mastiffs make up the highlights of your day. If you want to learn the source of Tibetan culture and Buddhism, do make it to Samye Monastery and Yungbulakang Palace, you will be deeply impressed by the long history of profound Tibetan Buddhism and legend of the first Tibetan king.
  • The trek from Ganden to Samye Monastery gives you a chance to follow ancient pilgrimage route from Lhasa to Shannan. And the day hike in Chim-puk Hermitage is the best off-the-beaten path to explore the mysterious religious retreats in Shannan.

Useful Travel Tips for your Shannan Travel in April

  • Thought the average altitude of Shannan is about 3,700m (12,139ft), really low compared with some other regions in Tibet. While visiting the landmarks like Yumbulakang Palace, Samye Monastery and Trandruk Monastery, tourists seldom get a serious High Altitude Sickness. If you want to drive to Yamdrok Lake, you need to pass Kambala Pass with a high altitude of 5,030 meters. Remember to drink more water, keep warm and avoid strong activities. Besides, prepare oxygen supply for emergency use.
  • What you can’t forget is to bring your passport, Chinese Visa and all needed permits, without them you are unable to have a Tibet tour. Traveling to Shannan or other areas in Tibet, Tibet Travel Permit is a must. It is issued by Tibet Tourism Bureau only and can be applied by travel agencies on behalf of you only. It must be obtained before you getting to Tibet, because you are not permitted to board your flight or train without it. Besides, Aliens’ Travel Permit is necessary to Shannan Prefecture. It is applied after you entering Tibet. Your tour guide will apply it with your Tibet Travel Permit and passport. In some places of Shannan, you need a Border Pass as well.

Shannan Weather and Climate by Month

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