Shannan Travel Weather and Climate in August

Shannan Travel Weather and Climate in August

Average Minimum Temperature (℃): 10
Average Maximum Temperature (℃): 22
Average Precipitation/Rainfall (mm): 109

The wettest month of the year, August is still relatively dry in Shannan, thanks to the mountains reducing the amount of rain that can cross into Shannan. With only around 109 millimeters of rainfall throughout the month, as well as higher temperatures reaching as much as 22 degrees, even trekking is still a good activity in the prefecture as the summer draws to a close.

What to Wear for a August Shannan Travel

Take a sweater, since it can still get chilly, even after the warmer days of summer. A light raincoat and a good strong pair of boots are also necessary, to throw on over your t-shirt when the showers sometimes fall. Jeans can be too hot and heavy in the summer, so lighter pants are a much better idea. With temperatures reaching the mid-twenties and higher, you will find that sun cream, moisturizer, and sunglasses are a must.

August may be hot and sunny, but there are rules on the dress in Shannan, and skimpy or short clothing is usually frowned upon, so avoid taking spaghetti tops, halter tops, crop tops, and short skirts or shorts.

Things to see at Shannan in August

  • Visit Yumbu Lhakhang Palace
    Located 5 kilometers (3 miles) southeast of Nedong County, there is a building similar in shape to a blockhouse standing on top of a hill. That is the Yumbu Lhakhang Palace, the oldest palace on that high land built over two thousand years ago for the first Tsampo (king) of the Tubo tribe, although through extension, the palace gradually became a Buddhist monastery. 
  • Visit Trandruk Monastery
    On the way back to Nedong, a visitor can stop to make a trip to the famous monastery, Trandruk Temple, which is at the south foot of the Gungbort Mountain about 2 kilometers (1.2 miles) south of the county seat. The Pearl Thangka Painting preserved in the temple is a precious treasure.
  • Visit Samye Monastery
    Along the Yarlung Zangbo River from Tsedang Town of Nedong County to Dranang County, the Samye Monastery is situated on the north bank of the river. Visitors can take powerboat or sheepskin draft to cross the river. The monastery was first built in 762 combining buildings of Tibetan, Han and ancient Indian styles. In addition, it is the first temple complete with all the three treasures of Buddhism: hierarchy, doctrine and monk, regarded as the headstream of Tibetan Buddhism.

Useful Travel Tips for your Shannan Travel in August

  • Thought the average altitude of Shannan is about 3,700m (12,139ft), really low compared with some other regions in Tibet. While visiting the landmarks like Yumbulakang Palace, Samye Monastery and Trandruk Monastery, tourists seldom get a serious High Altitude Sickness. If you want to drive to Yamdrok Lake, you need to pass Kambala Pass with a high altitude of 5,030 meters. Remember to drink more water, keep warm and avoid strong activities. Besides, prepare oxygen supply for emergency use.
  • What you can’t forget is to bring your passport, Chinese Visa and all needed permits, without them you are unable to have a Tibet tour. Traveling to Shannan or other areas in Tibet, Tibet Travel Permit is a must. It is issued by Tibet Tourism Bureau only and can be applied by travel agencies on behalf of you only. It must be obtained before you getting to Tibet, because you are not permitted to board your flight or train without it. Besides, Aliens’ Travel Permit is necessary to Shannan Prefecture. It is applied after you entering Tibet. Your tour guide will apply it with your Tibet Travel Permit and passport. In some places of Shannan, you need a Border Pass as well.

Weather and Climate by Month

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