Shigatse Travel Weather and Climate in December

Shigatse Weather and Climate in December

Average Minimum Temperature (℃): -12
Average Maximum Temperature (℃): 8
Average Precipitation/Rainfall (mm): 0.02mm
Rainy Days: 0
Relative Humidity (%): 37
Average Wind Speed (kmph): 8.9

When you travel to Shigatse in December, Shigatse does have lower temperatures at night, dropping to as low as -22 degrees, in the daytime, the temperatures can reach as high as 12 degrees, with frequent sunny days making it feel even warmer. Despite of the strong wind, the warm sunshine makes Shigatse a great place to visit in December. The city is a little warmer than Lhasa during the day and has some stunning attractions. 

What to Wear for a December Shigatse Travel

Shigatse in December is cold, without a doubt, and you will need to pack those warm sweaters and thick down or fleece jackets. The colder weather of the plateau means that you will need to have good warm layers to stay warm in the cold, and long underwear can be a major advantage to keep out the intense chill of the Tibetan winter. Warm hats and gloves are necessary, and your socks need to be thick and woolen, to keep out the cold. Boots are the best at this time of year, and thicker pants to keep your legs warm.

Useful Travel Tips for your Shigatse Travel in December

  • There are some medications for altitude sickness available, but you should consult your own doctor before you take them, and it is not recommended.
  • Tibet Travel Permit: This permit is issued by the Tibet Tourism Bureau and is required for all international travelers heading for Tibet. You need to apply for this permit one month prior to your arrival in Tibet as this permit takes some time to get ready and you need to produce the original copy of this permit at the Airport before you board the flight. 
  • For a good visit to Tibet you need to pack carefully, as it can be cold there at any time of the year. Make sure that you have your valid passport and Chinese Entry Visa with you at all times, and that it is kept secure or on your person at all times.
  • December is part of Tibet’s low travel season. The cold and lack of public holidays keep the Chinese tourists away, so the city is free of large crowds of tourists. 

Things to see and do at Shigatse in December

  • The Tashilhunpo Monastery is one of the most stunning and important monasteries in Tibet, and is the seat of the Panchen Lama, the second highest religious incarnation in Tibetan Buddhism.
  • Shigatse (3,900 meters): It is a good time to see the highlights in Shigatse. The average high temperature in Shigatse in the daytime is 7 °C (44 °F), and the average nightly low is -12 °C (10 °F). The city is seven hours from Everest.

 Shigatse Weather and Climate by Month

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