Shigatse Travel Weather and Climate in January

Shigatse Weather and Climate in January

Average Minimum Temperature (℃): -13 
Average Maximum Temperature (℃): 6 
Average Precipitation/Rainfall (mm): 0.36 mm 
Rainy Days: 2 
Relative Humidity (%): 33 
Average Wind Speed (kmph): 7.4

When you travel to Shigatae in January, Shigatse in January is not that severely cold than many expected, with the mean temperature reaching 6 degrees during the daytime, and dropping to -13 at night. There are strong solar radiation and long sun hours, with thin air and low atmospheric pressure. Being only six hours’ driving away from Lhasa, it is convenient to visit the second largest city of Tibet, where sits the magnificent Tashilhunpo Monastery.

What to Wear for a January Shigatse Travel

January is a cold month in Shigatse, and while you may find the weather and temperature pleasant and warm in the daytime, at night it is always going to get cold. For the best experience of Shigatse in the winter, you should make sure that you have the right gear for a winter tour, including plenty of warmer clothing, tough strong boots to protect your feet, warm socks, gloves, warm hat and sun hat, sunglasses for the bright sunlight, lip balm, moisturizer, and sun cream.

Useful Travel Tips for your Shigatse Travel in January

  • There are some medications for altitude sickness available, but you should consult your own doctor before you take them, and it is not recommended.
  • Tibet Travel Permit: This permit is issued by the Tibet Tourism Bureau and is required for all international travelers heading for Tibet. You need to apply for this permit one month prior to your arrival in Tibet as this permit takes some time to get ready and you need to produce the original copy of this permit at the Airport before you board the flight. 
  • For a good visit to Tibet you need to pack carefully, as it can be cold there at any time of the year. Make sure that you have your valid passport and Chinese Entry Visa with you at all times, and that it is kept secure or on your person at all times.
  • January is one of the low seasons of Tibet tours, when the plateau sees fewer traveler at this time. Many hotels and restaurants will close or offer a huge discount for visitors. Therefore, if you don’t like to travel with big crowds and want to cut down the cost in the meantime, January actually is a good time to go.

Things to see and do at Shigatse in January

  • There are only a few festivals in Tibet in January, and the most prominent one is the Shigatse New year, known locally as Tsang Losar. Separate to the normal Losar that is held across the Tibetan areas on the first day of the New Year, Tsang Losar is actually held on the first day of the 12th month in the Tibetan calendar. 
  • Shigatse (3,900 meters): Shigatse is the second largest city west of Lhasa about six hours west of Lhasa. The highlights in Shigatse include Tashilhunpo. In January, the average high temperature is 6 °C (42 °F), and the average nightly low is -13 °C (9 °F).
  • Tashilhunpo Monastery: This big ancient monastery in Shigatse was founded in 1447. It sits against a rugged grey high mountain that makes for beautiful photographs against a blue and white sky. It was once a town of 5,000 monks.

 Shigatse Weather and Climate by Month

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