Bus Timetable of Lhasa Bus Station
As one of the most important bus stations in Lhasa, Lhasa bus station is located at No.1, Jinzhu Middle Road of Chengguan District, Lhasa.
- Lhasa Bus Station(拉萨汽车站)
Address: No.1, Jinzhu Middle Road, Chengguan District, Lhasa拉萨市城关区金珠中路1号
Tel: 0891-6824469
Major Destinations: Every day, there are long-distance buses to Qamdo, Shigatse, Golmud, Quxu, Tongmai, Zhamo, etc.
Bus Schedule of Lhasa Bus Station
In the following, we list part of bus timetable of Lhasa Bus Station. It is noted that this timetable is just for reference. More information, please call the coach station for consultation, or contact us Mysterious Tibet by contact@MysteriousTibet.com/+86- 18088243690.
Departure Time | Destinations | Mileage(km) | Price | Duration | Notes |
/ | Shigatse | 280 | 80 yuan | 5 hours | China-Nepai Highway |
/ | Amdo County | 464 | 102 yuan | 8.5 hours | / |
Every 5 days | Qamdo | 1062 | 280 yuan | 16 hours | / |
10:30/16:00 | Chengdu | 3287 | 500 yuan | 30 hours | Sleeper |
In the afternoon | Chengdu Gaosuntang Bus Station | 3287 | 616 yuan | 30 hours | Deluxe sleeper |
14:30 | Chongqing | 3680 | 560 yuan | 32 hours | Sleeper |
/ | damxung | 162 | 44 yuan | 3 hours | / |
/ | Tingri | 572 | / | 10 hours | No regular bus; China-Nepal Highway |
08:30 | Golmud | 1165 | 150/210 yuan | 19 hours | Hard Seat/Sleeper |
08:30 | Golmud | 1165 | 210 yuan | 19 hours | Sleeper |
08:30 | Golmud | 1165 | 180 yuan | 19 hours | Coach |
08:30 | Golmud | 1165 | 150 yuan | 19 hours | Coach |
13:00/13:30 | Lanzhou | 2216 | 380 yuan | 30 hours | Sleeper |
08:30 | Nagqu | 323 | 44/80 yuan | 6 hours | Hard seat/sleeper |
Any Time | Nagqu | 326 | 63 yuan | 6 hours | Midibus |
Any Time | Nagqu | 326 | 80 yuan | 6 hours | Jinbei |
Any Time | Nagqu | 326 | 100 yuan | 6 hours | Santana |
/ | Ningxia | 2321 | 392 yuan | 33 hours | / |
/ | Quxu County | 68 | 10 yuan | 1.5 hours | China-Nepal Friendship Highway |
/ | Ranwu | 766 | / | 11 hours | In Qamdo |
/ | Samye Monastery | 155 | 23 yuan | 2 hours | In Shannan |
/ | Shannan | 142 | 27/40/50 yuan | 2 hours | Coach/Midibus/Santana |
10:00, 11:00 | Shannan | 142 | 20 yuan | 2 hours | Regular bus |
11:30 | Xining | 1947 | 200 yuan | 27 hours | Hard seat |
11:30, 15:00 | Xining | 1947 | 340 yuan | 27 hours | Sleeper |
09:00(every Monday) | Yadong County | 471 | 88 yuan | 8.5 hours | / |
10:30(every day) | Yadong County | 471 | 100 yuan | 8.5 hours | / |
/ | Tsedang | 191 | 30-40 yuan | 2.5 hours | Midibus/Deluxe bus |
/ | Nyemo County | 83 | 18 yuan | 2 hours | China-Nepal Friendship Highway |