Gongsa Monastery in Biru County, Nagqu

Chinese Name: 贡萨寺
English Name: Gongsa Monastery
Location: Located in Liangqu Village of Biru County, Nagqu
Admission Fee: Free
Opening Hours: All Day

About Gongsa Monastery in Biru County, Nagqu

Gongsa Monastery, also called Gong Gongsa Qukuo Qiangbalin Monastery(宫·贡萨曲阔强巴林), is located in Liangqu Village of Biru County, 16 kilometers away from county seat. It was built by Rangduo Xiajiarenqin(让多·夏加仁钦) in 1611. It was dedicated to Buddha Jueba Jindangongbu(觉巴﹒晋丹贡布). Gongsa Monastery belongs to Bka’-brgyud-pa. It covers an area of 15569.28㎡. There are 58 monks at present. 

Attraction Transportation: 

Visitors can take long-distance bus or choose self-driving from Liangqu Village of Biru County. Please pay attention to weather conditions. In the rainy season (July & August), cars often get struck in the mud and delays happen frequently. 

Attraction Tips: 
• Traveling Hours: 1 hour
• Traveling Seasons: All seasons
• High Altitude Sickness Avoiding: Bring enough water or drinks, fruits and snacks with high caloric content
• Bring a good, broad spectrum sunscreen with a high SPF factor and a high SPF lip sunscreen to protect your lips too. 
• Never climb or sit on Buddhist statues or stupas.
• Avoid touching the head of monks or nuns and show respect to a nun or monk or spiritual teacher.
• Remove your shoes and your hat when entering a shrine room or monastery.