Sawang Waterfall in Lhari County, Nagqu

Chinese Name: 萨旺瀑布
English Name: Sawang Waterfall 
Location: Located in Sawang Village of Lhari County, Nagqu
Admission Fee: Free
Opening Hours: All Day

About Sawang Waterfall in Lhari County, Nagqu

Sawang Waterfall is located in Sawang Village Lhari County, Nagqu. There are two waterfalls Sawang Village. The north one called Duowang Quqia(朵日曲恰) and the south called Yigaer Quqia(益嘎尔曲恰). The waterfall flies through the cloud and fog from the top of the mountain to the deep river valley. The surface layer of the waterfall rushes down from the peak, which stands out against the sky, stirring up misty hydrosphere to fulfill the valley, meanwhile, the rumble sound of water is roaring there. In the morning,   the clouds and fog filled the cliff with descending of the waterfall from the top of the cliff, giving tourists a magnificent landscape.

Attraction Transportation: 

The advanced traffic system provides visitors convenient ways to travel. Visitors can take bus or choose self-driving. On account of snow and occasional road accidents, highway closures and concomitant traffic delays are not uncommon.

Attraction Tips: 
• Traveling Hours: 2 hours
• Traveling Seasons: All seasons
• High Altitude Sickness Avoiding: Bring enough water or drinks, fruits and snacks with high caloric content
• Bring a good, broad spectrum sunscreen with a high SPF factor and a high SPF lip sunscreen to protect your lips too.
• Please don’t hang flags in republic place.
• Located in the border area, you must behave ourselves well.
• Ask for permission before taking photos for Tibetan people.
• Don’t touch Tibetan’s head and shoulder.