Nyingchi to Lanzhou Flights

Nyingchi to Lanzhou Flights offer the flight schedules from Nyingchi to Lanzhou. The distance between the two places is approximately 2026 kilometers. Located in the southeast of Tibet, Nyingchi owns the biggest elevation gap in the world with the lowest elevation of only 900m and the highest elevation of 7,782m (altitude of Namjagbarwa Peak). Lanzhou is the capital and largest city of Gansu Province in Northwest China. The prefecture-level city, located on the banks of the Yellow River, is a key regional transportation hub, connecting areas further west by rail to the eastern half of the country. Historically, it has been a major link on the Northern Silk Road and it stands to become a major hub on the New Eurasian Land Bridge.

Lanzhou Zhongchuan International Airport 兰州中川国际机场
Address: Zhongchuan Town, Yongdeng County, Lanzhou City兰州市永登县中川镇
Tel:0931-8168 464
Airport Transportation: There are airport shuttle buses, metro and taxis departing from Chengdu Airport every day.

Nyingchi Mainling Airport林芝米林机场
Address: Nyingchi district Nyingchi City Millin County 林芝地区林芝市米林县
Tel: 0894-5482 731
Airport Transportation: There are airport shuttle buses and taxis departing from Chengdu Airport every day.

Nyingchi – Lanzhou Flights

There is 1 direct flight flying from Nyingchi Mainling Airport to Lanzhou Zhongchuan International Airport . The following 1 flight was provided by Tibet Airlines, which is daily flight. The following is only for your reference. Discount tickets are available. (All departure/arrival times are local time)

Flight Number Departs  Arrives Duration Stops Reference Price(¥)
11:40 14:00 2h20m / 875-1100

1. The above information is for reference, if any change is based on actual information.
2. If you wan to book ticket and arrange a Nyingchi-Lanzhou tour, please contact us, Email: contact@MysteriousTibet.com; Tel: +86-871-63511469.
3. The ticket price is changing, sometimes there are discounts, while sometimes not.