
From the perspective of administrative divisions in Tibet, there are 6 prefecture-level cities within the territory of Tibet Autonomous Region, namely, Lhasa City, Shigatse City, Qamdo CityShannan CityNyingchi CityNagqu City. Among them, Lhasa and Shigatse are two most popular tourist destinations in Tibet. 

Administrative Divisions Area( Population Seat of Government Areas Under Jurisdiction
Lhasa City(拉萨市) 31,662 902,500(in 2016) Chengguan District(城关区) Chengguan District(城关区), Doilungdeqen District(堆龙德庆区) and Dagze District(达孜区), Lhunzhub County(林周县), Nyemo County(尼木县), Damxung County(当雄县), Quxu County(曲水县) and Maizhokunggar County(墨竹工卡县)
Shigatse City(日喀则市) 182,000 845,300(in 2017) Samzhubze District(桑珠孜区) Samzhubze District(桑珠孜区), Gyangze County(江孜县), Bainang County(白朗县), Lhaze County(拉孜县), Sagya County(萨迦县), Gamba County(岗巴县), Dinggye County(定结县), Tingri County(定日县), Nyalam County(聂拉木县), Kangmar County(康马县), Yadong County(亚东县), Rinbung County(仁布县), Namling County(南木林县), Xaitongmoin County(谢通门县), Gyirong County(吉隆县), Ngamring County(昂仁县), Saga County(萨嘎县) and Zhongba County(仲巴县)
Qamdo City(昌都市) 110,000 730,000(in 2017) Karub District(卡若区) Karub District(卡若区), Jomda County(江达县), Gonjo County(贡觉县), Riwoqe County(类乌齐县), Dengqen County(丁青县), Zhagyab County(察雅县), Baxoi County(八宿县), Zogang County(左贡县), Markam County(芒康县), Lhorong County(洛隆县), Banbar County(边坝县)
Nyingchi City(林芝市) 117,000 231,000(in 2016) Bayi District(巴宜区) Bayi District(巴宜区), Gongbo’gyamda County(工布江达县), Mainling County(米林县), Mêdog County(墨脱县), Bomê County(波密县), Zayü County(察隅县), Nang County(朗县)
Shannan City(山南市) 79253.53 368,100(in 2017) Nedong District(乃东区) Nedong District(乃东区), Zhanang County(扎囊县), Gonggar County(贡嘎县), Sangri County(桑日县), Qonggyai County(琼结县), Qusum County(曲松县), Comai County(措美县), Lhozhag County(洛扎县), Gyaca County(加查县), Lhünzê County(隆子县), Cona County(错那县), Nagarzê County(浪卡子县)
Nagqu City(那曲市) 369674 503,700(in 2017) Seni District(色尼区) Seni District(色尼区), Lhari County(嘉黎县), Biru County(比如县), Nyainrong County(聂荣县), Amdo County(安多县), Xainza County(申扎县), Sog County(索县), Baingoin County(班戈县), Baqên County(巴青县), Nyima County(尼玛县), Shuanghu County(双湖县)