Nyingchi Travel Weather and Climate in March

Nyingchi Travel Weather and Climate in March

Average Minimum Temperature (℃): 0
Average Maximum Temperature (℃): 13
Average Precipitation/Rainfall (mm): 16

Blue skies dominate through March, with only a little rain in the late evenings occasionally in Nyingchi. The brighter sun does make the month feel warmer than February and January, the two coldest months in Nyingchi, and touring can be comfortable and pleasant. The weather is cold but sunny, and the winds are not as strong and harsh as through the winter months.

What to Wear for a March Nyingchi Travel

In the eastern areas, in Nyingchi, the weather is already milder, and less warm clothing is necessary, though you will still need warmer sweaters or jackets in the evening and at night. Temperatures can still drop close to freezing, despite the warmer daytimes. There may also be some snow melt run-off in these areas, which can make it wet, so good boots are essential.

Things to see and do at Nyingchi in March

A popular time of year because of the Peach Blossom Festival, Nyingchi is a delightful place to visit in March. The Nyingchi Peach Blossom Festival usually begins around the middle of March, and lasts for around a month, when the stunning pink and violet peach blossoms cover much of the area, especially along the banks of the Niyang River and along the road to Sichuan.

Nyingchi Weather and Climate by Month

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