Nyingchi Travel Weather and Climate in November

Nyingchi Travel Weather and Climate in November

Average Minimum Temperature (℃): -1
Average Maximum Temperature (℃): 13
Average Precipitation/Rainfall (mm): 5

November is the beginning of the late autumn in Nyingchi. The night temperatures can drop to -5 degrees while the daytime will reach up to 17 degrees. Most days are clear and refreshing, and one will feel not so cold during this time. 

What to Wear for a November Nyingchi Travel

You would be advised to bring along plenty of warm clothing since it is starting to get cold. Warm sweaters and fleece or down jackets are a must, to keep the cold off, and long underwear is an essential part of the packing list. Sturdy boots are useful, as the ground can be rough and stony, even in the car parks and monastery grounds across the region. And it is back to warm socks to keep your feet from getting too cold. Sun cream and sunglasses are useful, as the sun can still be strong, and water bottles, high-energy snacks, and plenty of spare batteries for your camera should also be included in your packing list.

Things to see and do at Nyingchi in November

Novembers sees one of the most charming scenery of Nyingchi. In addition to the golden yellow leaves, the region is dressed up with snow-capped mountain peaks and dotted green lakes. Especially when it is a sunny day after snow, the whole region will radiate a more fascinating atmosphere with blue sky and white clouds. For tourists interested in this unique fertile land of Tibet, you should not miss the beauty of Nyingchi in this season.

Useful Travel Tips for your Nyingchi Travel in November

What you can’t forget is to bring your passport, Chinese Visa and all needed permits, without them you are unable to have a Tibet tour. Traveling to Nyingchi or other areas in Tibet, Tibet Travel Permit is a must. It is issued by Tibet Tourism Bureau only and can be applied by travel agencies on behalf of you only. It must be obtained before you getting to Tibet, because you are not permitted to board your flight or train without it. Besides, Aliens’ Travel Permit is necessary to Nyingchi Prefecture. It is applied after you entering Tibet. Your tour guide will apply it with your Tibet Travel Permit and passport. In some places of Nyingchi, you need a Border Pass as well.

Weather and Climate by Month

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