Tibet Travel Weather and Climate in November

Tibet Travel Weather and Climate in November

Average Minimum Temperature (℃): -3 
Average Maximum Temperature (℃): 13 
Tibet Average Temperature (℃): 5 
Average Precipitation/Rainfall (mm): 1 
Wet Days (>0.1mm): 1 
Relative Humidity (%): 44 
(Overall Tibet weather in November)

When you travel to Tibet in November, November is the start of the winter months, and while it can be cold, it is also still good for travel in Tibet, as the days are dry and bright. Average temperatures usually range around 12-15 degrees during the daytime, and drop as low as -5 or below at night. The days are mostly sunny, and can be still relatively warm. But because of the high altitude, it is quite chilly at night or on a rainy day.

With almost no rain at all across the region, the weather in November is ideal for a pleasant and less crowded tour in Tibet. 

What to Wear for a November Tibet Travel

For the nightly temperature drop and the temperature extremes as you change elevation, dress in layers with a coat, trousers, and a T-shirt. Cover up and wear a sun hat and sunglasses because of the UV radiation. You might need a coat inside Tibetan hotels and restaurants because many don’t have central heating. Take heavier winter gearand gloves up to the higher mountain areas.

Useful Travel Tips for your Tibet Travel in November

  • There are some medications for altitude sickness available, but you should consult your own doctor before you take them, and it is not recommended.
  • Tibet Travel Permit: This permit is issued by the Tibet Tourism Bureau and is required for all international travelers heading for Tibet. You need to apply for this permit one month prior to your arrival in Tibet as this permit takes some time to get ready and you need to produce the original copy of this permit at the Airport before you board the flight. 
  • Oxygen levels are much lower in Tibet, so most people get altitude sickness. Cardiovascular conditions are exacerbated, so for the best experience, seek health advice before going and acclimate before exertion or going higher than Lhasa. 
  • Tourism drops substantially in November from October, so you’ll get a more authentic experience. The people around you may be mainly Tibetan. So November is an excellent time for touring the highlights before the temperature drops in December.

Things to see and do at Tibet in November

  • With an average elevation of 3,600 meters, Lhasa becomes a little bit cold in November. But the city is actually one of the warmer places to visit in November, Lhasa, known as the “City of Sunshine.”
  • If you are traveling to Lhasa in November, then Jokhang Temple and Potala Palace are must-see attractions. With fewer tourists visiting this place in low season, you can enjoy a more peaceful time in these revered architectures.
  • November marks the beginning of the late autumn in Nyingchi. Novembers sees one of the most charming scenery of Nyingchi. In addition to the golden yellow leaves, the region is dressed up with snow-capped mountain peaks and dotted green lakes. Especially when it is a sunny day after snow, the whole region will radiate a more fascinating atmosphere with blue sky and white clouds. For tourists interested in this unique fertile land of Tibet, you should not miss the beauty of Nyingchi in this season.
  • One may encounter the falling snow when going to Shannan in November, as long as it is a sunny day, one will feel quite warm under the sun. The region is still worth visiting during this time. Driving the way from Lhasa to Shannan, you can see beautiful roadside scenery of yellow leaves. 

Tibet Weather and Climate by Month

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