Qamdo Administrative Divisions
Qamdo Administrative Division tells you places to visit and gives information about the towns and counties of Qamdo. As of November 2014, Qamdo has jurisdiction over 1 district and 10 counties. It is further divided into 24 towns and 118 townships. The seat of government of Qamdo is Karub District.
1 District: Karub District(卡若区).
10 Counties: Jomda County(江达县), Gonjo County(贡觉县), Riwoqe County(类乌齐县), Dengqen County(丁青县), Zhagyab County(察雅县), Baxoi County(八宿县), Zogang County(左贡县), Markam County(芒康县), Lhorong County(洛隆县), Banbar County(边坝县).
Administrative Division Map of Qamdo
Detailed Administrative Division of Qamdo
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